

We are often asked the difference between counselling and psychotherapy; and the truth is in our opinion “not a lot”.
Both therapies have a great number of similarities and benefits; counselling tends to be shorter in duration, however it can also be long term as well.

The general aims of counselling are the development of a safe, nurturing unique relationship between the therapist and client. This then enables the client to understand and accept their feelings and behaviours; whilst also empowering them to lead a more fulfilling life.

The unique relationship within the counselling environment offers (sometimes for the first time in a persons life) a non-judgemental approach with the clients wellbeing and happiness at its core.


Couples Counselling

When something happens that threatens to destroy our relationship; for example, our partner has had an affair or we just don’t seem to be getting on anymore. In our hurt state, it can feel as if the only way forward is to leave the relationship and maybe find someone else who will be faithful or someone who will understand us more. In our traumatised state, we may feel like giving up on relationships altogether.

Sometimes (not always), if we can bear to stay with the difficult feelings that have been evoked, work through them together and come to understand the ‘something that has happened’ as a symptom of what we have both created together as a couple, this can lead to a deepening of our relationship and a new level of intimacy maybe not experienced before.

Working through what has happened together in couples therapy isn’t easy and will take time and a willingness to explore feelings. Coming to couples therapy will not necessarily lead to you deciding to stay together but it may lead to a better way of moving on and an honouring of your relationship

A couple may want help with improving issues around:

Family conflict
Children/Step children
The after effects of an affair
Sexual compatibility
Separation anxieties

One of the most common topics that arise in couple therapy is a breakdown in communication. This can be an easy thing to notice, for example:

When you talk to your partner you feel like you’re talking to a brick wall.
Your conversations just go round and round in never ending circles.
After talking you feel frustrated and confused.
You can’t talk for more than a few minutes without it turning into a shouting match.
You fear that bringing up certain subjects will make things worse.
Or sometimes you feel that you have nothing left to say to each other anymore.

If all or part of this sounds familiar then perhaps couple counselling could be an alternative to separation.


Single Session Therapy

For those interested in a more rapid solution to an issue that has arisen; then single session therapy may be the answer.

You will be given a short questionnaire to hone in on this specific problem before the actual session, and we will then devote 2 1/2 hours to identify, understand and provide solutions solely on that issue. This then gives YOU the tools to work on this and prevent it becoming bigger in the future.

(please note this is NOT suitable for historic abuse or trauma, and this has aspects of CBT as well as brief solution focused therapy, so is only suitable if you are prepared to put the work in during the session and maintain this at home afterwards).


Online Counselling

Telephone, Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Facetime, Online and Email Counselling

In today’s busy world, people we are finding less and less time to look after their psychological wellbeing than ever before. However, with the rise of social media in recent years we are finally able to get the often needed help in a much more accessible fashion. This can be extremely beneficial for people unable to leave their homes, people in remote locations, ex pats overseas, those that simply don’t have the time for a face to face visit, or someone who doesn’t feel able to talk about a specific topic face to face.

If this is something that appeals to you, then please feel free to get in touch with no obligation. With the appropriate training and by being Professional members of ACTO (Association for Counselling & Therapy Online) you can rest assured that we have the extra training and experience to offer a safe and secure therapy either online, via telephone or email.

Online counselling cannot provide an emergency service for clients.

If you found yourself in a major crisis and were considering serious self-harm it would be vital to get immediate help. This could include contacting your GP, or your nearest (A & E).

You could also call:

The Samaritans on 116123 or email (for email emergency support).

SANEline 0300 304 7000

The MIX (under 25’s) 08088084994

Papyrus hopeline uk (under 35 and suicidal) 0800 0684141

CALM (men) 0800 585858

Black Orchid (BAME) 0117 9079982

Switchboard (LGBTQ+) 0300 3300630